


Last updateGio, 15 Feb 2024 6pm


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“Training and Resources to Enable a green Era - TREE”

Programme: Erasmus +
Action: KA2 Small Scale
Target audience: green economy professionals, companies, training institutions, universities, ONG, PMI.
Duration: 18 months from October 2023 to March 2025
The project is led by a consortium of three partners from three European countries: AdIM Srl, AiNP-Agencia Internacional Newproject, Zeus Consulting IKE. All partners have technical expertise to achieve the project objectives and extensive experience in participating in and managing national and/or European projects.

Erasmus.jpeg NewProject.pngZeus-consulting.jpg.         logo_AdIM_trasparente.png

The project idea is aimed at developing:
- A collection of materials (videos, activities, tools) that can support the development of skills applied to the green dimension of new and emerging jobs and careers;
- A set of scenarios representing situations that may occur in real life and that may have an impact on the environment and how to manage them in the most sustainable way.
- The project addresses the horizontal Erasmus+ priority Environment and Climate Change by working towards the following specific objectives;
- To support job seekers and workers in acquiring specific skills essential to work as green professionals;
- Enabling behavioural changes in consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the New European Bauhaus initiative;
- Share best practices and knowledge to combat climate change and accelerate the ecological transition.
The activities that will be addressed:
- Overall project management, monitoring and dissemination;
- Design of the best practice manual;
- Development and testing of the TREE training course and situational scenarios;
- Organisation of 3 multiplier events and a final conference;
- Co-operation activities, including project meetings;
- Dissemination activities throughout the duration of the project.
Expected results:
The project idea is aimed at the development of:
- A manual of best practices;
- A collection of materials (videos, activities, tools) that can support the development of skills applied to the green dimension of new and emerging jobs and careers;
- A set of scenarios representing situations that may occur in real life that may have an environmental impact and how to handle them in the most sustainable way.
Communication and dissemination of results:
Communication activities will operate on several levels simultaneously between the partners.
The main channels of communication between the partners will be e-mail, telephone and Skype, using English as the common working language of the project.
Dissemination of results and all communication activities about the project will be contained in a Communication and Dissemination Plan, which will detail the following activities
1. Project logo: it is the cornerstone of the corporate image;
2. Website: represents the identity of the project and will be promoted on the websites of each partner;
3. Newsletter: used to publicise the results of the project;
4. N. 3 multiplier events during the project duration aimed at promoting the project results and informing about upcoming activities:
5. Final event to present the project results to stakeholders and the media;
6. Public relations and lobbying activities;
7. E-mail, Skype, telephone and fax which we will use for day-to-day communication. Skype meetings will be mandatory for all partners and will be organised on a monthly basis;
8. Ad hoc meetings to address specific thematic issues. Participation in these meetings will not be mandatory for all partners but will depend on the problem to be solved.

Shared folders will be created on Google drive to facilitate the sharing of material, for effective coordination, planning



Il progetto, presentato da una partnership europea con AdIM capofila, ha superato il vaglio della Commissione con un punteggio di 98/100 e sarà finanziato dalle risorse dell’UE.

Erasmus+ è il programma dell'Unione Europea nel campo dell'istruzione, della formazione, della gioventù e dello sport per il periodo 2021-2027, che presenta tra le priorità l’ambiente e la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici. 

Per far fronte al cambiamento climatico, la strategia dell'UE si rivolge alla promozione della protezione ambientale e riconosce la centralità del ruolo svolto da scuole, istituti di formazione e università nella diffusione delle conoscenze sulla crisi climatica e sulla sostenibilità. Il programma Erasmus+ è quindi uno strumento chiave per lo sviluppo di competenze e atteggiamenti riguardo ai cambiamenti climatici e per il sostegno allo sviluppo sostenibile, sia nell'Unione europea che nel resto del mondo.

Il programma Erasmus+, attraverso tre “azioni chiavi”, aumenta le opportunità di mobilità favorendo lo sviluppo delle competenze e migliorando le prospettive di carriera dei partecipanti (azione chiave 1 - key action 1: learning mobility of individuals); sostiene partenariati per la cooperazione, progetti di sviluppo delle capacità nell’ambito dell’istruzione, della formazione e dello sport, nonché eventi sportivi europei senza scopo di lucro (azione chiave 2 - key action 2: cooperation among organisations and institutions); sostiene la cooperazione politica a livello dell'Unione europea (azione chiave 3 - key action 3: support to policy development and cooperation).

Nell’ambito dell’azione chiave 2 “cooperazione tra organizzazioni e istituzioni”, AdIM, in qualità di capofila, insieme al partner spagnolo AiNP -Agencia Internacional Newproject e al partner greco Zeus Consulting IKE, ha elaborato il TREE Project che mira a realizzare:
1) un manuale di buone pratiche per lo sviluppo di competenze verdi;
2) una raccolta di materiale informativo che possa supportare lo sviluppo di competenze applicate alla dimensione verde dei nuovi lavori e delle carriere emergenti;
3) una serie di scenari che rappresentano situazioni che possono verificarsi nella vita reale e avere un impatto sull'ambiente, stimolando un approccio sostenibile nella dimensione complessiva della vita umana. 

Il progetto, nell’ambito della priorità orizzontale di Erasmus+ “Ambiente e lotta al cambiamento climatico”, vuole contribuire al raggiungimento dei seguenti obiettivi specifici:
- Sostenere le persone in cerca di lavoro e i lavoratori nell'acquisizione di competenze specifiche essenziali per lavorare come professionisti verdi;
- Consentire cambiamenti comportamentali nelle abitudini di consumo e negli stili di vita;
- Condividere le migliori pratiche e le conoscenze per combattere il cambiamento climatico e accelerare la transizione ecologica.

Nello specifico, l’attenzione si rivolge, in via prioritaria, ai lavoratori e ai disoccupati in cerca di nuove opportunità di lavoro nel settore del green job e poi alle aziende, ONG, professionisti del settore e al Pubblico in generale, attraverso determinate attività che vanno dalla progettazione del predetto manuale delle migliori pratiche (Handbook), alla realizzazione di uno specifico percorso formativo finalizzato all’accrescimento delle competenze green, allo sviluppo di scenari situazionali, che consentiranno ai formatori di acquisire una mentalità verde più completa. Infine, notevole rilevanza avrà l’attività di cooperazione dei tre partner Europei e l’attività di divulgazione, svolta con l’organizzazione di 3 eventi moltiplicatori, nei rispettivi paesi dei tre partner europei, e di una conferenza finale che si terrà a Napoli al termine delle attività progettuali.

Napoli, 23 ottobre 2023.


The project, submitted by a European partnership with AdIM as lead partner, passed the Commission's screening with a score of 98/100 and will be funded from EU resources.

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027, with the environment and combating climate change among its priorities.
To tackle climate change, the EU strategy addresses the promotion of environmental protection and recognises the central role played by schools, training institutes and universities in disseminating knowledge about the climate crisis and sustainability. The Erasmus+ programme is therefore a key tool for developing skills and attitudes towards climate change and supporting sustainable development, both in the EU and worldwide.

The Erasmus+ programme, through three "key actions", increases mobility opportunities by fostering the development of competences and improving the career prospects of participants (key action 1: learning mobility of individuals); supports partnerships for cooperation, capacity-building projects in education, training and sport as well as non-profit European sport events (key action 2: cooperation among organisations and institutions); supports policy cooperation at EU level (key action 3: support to policy development and cooperation).

Within the framework of Key Action 2 'Cooperation between organisations and institutions', AdIM, as lead partner, together with the Spanish partner AiNP -Agencia Internacional Newproject and the Greek partner Zeus Consulting IKE, developed the TREE Project, which aims to realise:
1) a handbook of good practices for the development of green skills;
2) a collection of information material that can support the development of skills applied to the green dimension of new jobs and emerging careers;
3) a series of scenarios representing situations that may occur in real life and have an impact on the environment, stimulating a sustainable approach in the overall dimension of human life.

The project, within the horizontal Erasmus+ priority 'Environment and Climate Change', aims to contribute to the following specific objectives
- Support jobseekers and workers in acquiring specific skills essential for working as green professionals;
- Enabling behavioural changes in consumption habits and lifestyles;
- Sharing best practices and knowledge to combat climate change and accelerate the ecological transition.

Specifically, the focus is on workers and the unemployed in search of new job opportunities in the green job sector as a priority, and then on companies, NGOs, professionals in the sector and the public in general, through certain activities ranging from the design of the aforementioned Handbook of Best Practices, to the creation of a specific training course aimed at enhancing green skills, to the development of situational scenarios, which will enable trainers to acquire a more complete green mindset. Finally, the cooperation activity of the three European partners and the dissemination activity, carried out with the organisation of 3 multiplier events, in the respective countries of the three European partners, and of a final conference to be held in Naples at the end of the project activities, will be of great importance.

Naples, 23 October 2023.

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